Another episode of hemoptysis insisted on making a Halloween call. There were bleeds at one a.m. the morning after. The following day presented me with a couple more periods of active leaking at 7:30a.m. and 11:00p.m. to an undesirable level so I took my usual precautions. Lowering my activity level and being more selective about diet. Now even the streaking is gone and sputum darkened with stale blood also much diminished, ah so.
I was cognizant during the three and a half months of new property remodeling that this could sideline me at any time, I am grateful it didn't happen until now. And my son was here from Tahoe so I wasn't alone. The bleed stayed in the moderate range so another positive if one can count positives when having lung bleedings.
I was already on a ten day course of doxycycline because of elevated infection level indicated by various symptoms. Perhaps that helped keep it from further escalation.
I am looking forward to other conditions improving. There seems to be something out of whack with my GI tract, feeling like the esophagus is irritated and it interferes with swallowing. My laymen's diagnosis is that it suffers from excessive pill popping. :)
My supplements, along with the Tue/Thu/Sat regimen of pills and capsules for NTM bring the daily total up to 16 (!) on those days. And I am only taking what the primary and other doctors of mine have recommended, now if they could concoct an individual supplement cocktail to avoid wearing out the antique esophagus that would help a bunch. LOL --
I do use BOOST to lower the amount of solids needing swallowing and perhaps it helps, not sure.
But the bottom line is that I am better on all scores but need to be cautious because I haven't been well enough yet to get the seasonal flu shot.
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